
スジ盛りヘアー Sujimori hair tryout ヾ(;☆ω☆)ノ


Some days ago, my friend Mika  asked me if I could try to style hair wig kinda like sujimori hair.
And I said "yeah, why not, I'm genious!"
In fact I didn't know how I sould do this. xD

So we decided to take her old wig for a tryout. And the result was better than excepted!

Her initial wig looked something like this:

not very gyaru...û__u

And this where my weapons:

Seriously... I didn't know what I was doing... I just knew I wanted Sujimori hair. I didn't even have a picture so I just used one of the pictures saved in my awkward brain~

I started with cutting the wig into layers. I made the hair pretty short on top and left the buttom layer as long as it was.

After that I started to tease the hair and added some hairdust/powder so that it gained some volume. 

Then the complicated part started. I dragged the teased hair into single strands to get the typical sujimori look. I did this layer by layer, starting with the buttom layers and ended up with the top of the hair. 

In the end it looked like this:

right side 

left side

(and I'm too lazy to upload a picture of the back but it looks like the sides... so... many strands and everything. 8D )

Now we ordered some new wigs to make more different gyaru hair styles. I want to make one for myself as well. And I also want to try to style a visual kei inspired wig.

Next time I will record a video so that you can see the styling process~ ヾ(;☆ω☆)ノ So check for updates.

Thanks for reading! Keep smiling~

1 comment:

  1. Die is echt super geworden! *O* ich hab mir auch vor Monaten mal ne kurze "gyaru-o" whateva wig gemacht. Das so herrlich gechillt XD deckel druf, fertig
